Last Days, Timely Study

Nearly Full Circle

This recent pandemic has created a very similar type of mindset. This mindset has permeated mankind throughout history – it is the desire to create a single human entity that can overcome anything – and in some parts of the mentality, that includes God almighty.
This can be observed quite easily in the constant drone of what’s best for “humankind” and “the public health” when it comes to vaccinations. The powers that be are working to create a single mindset among the people of the earth.

Christian Living, Last Days, Passage insight, Timely Study

Warnings: be ready!

This is one of many such warnings in the New Testament about being ready for Jesus’ return. The days are getting confusing – “clergy” telling believers that the rapture is a Biblical myth, that (despite the Bible clearly saying otherwise), that Christians will go through the Great Tribulation and days of judgement just as the rest of the world.

Christian Living, Last Days, Reasons for hope, Uncategorized

Hope in Chaos

Our world is upside down. Socializing anywhere but online is now frowned upon and in several places around the world, it is against local “laws” (I use the term loosely, as these are better described as dictates by local government officials) due to the Coronavirus. We are fast closing in on the first year of “two weeks to slow the spread”.  These mandates have radically changed our lives.  We can have an offline discussion about whether or not the mandates are effective – I’m not going to try to make that case here, I have more important items to cover.

During the current pandemic and all of the local mandates and guidelines of staying home, social distancing, or wearing a mask – we had an election that included on the ballot the race for President of the United States.  You may feel that the race was run fairly, or you may feel that the race was wrought with fraud.

Christian Living, Last Days, Passage insight, Timely Study

Our Blessed HOPE

Our blessed hope is in the promised return of Jesus Christ to restore order to creation and do away with sin and all of it’s repugnant affects.  His return issues in eternity, where those who believe in Him and His sacrifice will spend forever with Him in paradise, the same as promised the thief that believed Him on the day He was crucified.

Your Morning Coffee