Christian Living, Last Days, Reasons for hope, Uncategorized

Hope in Chaos

Our world is upside down. Socializing anywhere but online is now frowned upon and in several places around the world, it is against local “laws” (I use the term loosely, as these are better described as dictates by local government officials) due to the Coronavirus. We are fast closing in on the first year of “two weeks to slow the spread”.  These mandates have radically changed our lives.  We can have an offline discussion about whether or not the mandates are effective – I’m not going to try to make that case here, I have more important items to cover.

During the current pandemic and all of the local mandates and guidelines of staying home, social distancing, or wearing a mask – we had an election that included on the ballot the race for President of the United States.  You may feel that the race was run fairly, or you may feel that the race was wrought with fraud.

Christian Living, Last Days, Passage insight, Timely Study

Our Blessed HOPE

Our blessed hope is in the promised return of Jesus Christ to restore order to creation and do away with sin and all of it’s repugnant affects.  His return issues in eternity, where those who believe in Him and His sacrifice will spend forever with Him in paradise, the same as promised the thief that believed Him on the day He was crucified.

Passage insight

Dangers Christians face in the world today

We have been in a period where people will no longer listen and adhere to sound doctrine. Scripture is used in ways to make most any behavior seem like it jives with Scripture.  Think about it, unless it is specifically called out in the Ten Commandments, man has found a way to justify any and all other behaviors as “OK” because God is a loving God (which He is, but that’s not the full story!).  Many have fallen into this dangerous trap, have you?

Christian Living, Passage insight

This crazy world – Rejoice?!?

It’s so easy to get caught up in the things of this world, especially when we are personally affected.  I’m writing this after having spent almost 2 months in quarantine due to the 2020 pandemic, COVID-19.  The world was shaken with the infection and fatality rates of this virus in various parts of the world and leaders worldwide listened to medical experts who said that social distancing and stay-at-home orders would help prevent the overwhelming of the healthcare systems.  Businesses have shut down, kids have been out of school and college for two months at this point and everyone is extremely cautious to go back out and start living their lives again. How do we deal with such anxiety-causing events?

Your Morning Coffee